API Reference@liveblocks/node-lexical

@liveblocks/node-lexical provides a Node.js package to export and modify Lexical documents on the server.


withLexicalDocument is the main entry point to modifying a document on the server. It takes a room ID and a Liveblocks Node client, and returns a callback used to work with Lexical documents stored in Liveblocks.

import { Liveblocks } from "@liveblocks/node";import { withLexicalDocument } from "@liveblocks/node-lexical";
const liveblocks = new Liveblocks({ secret: "",});
await withLexicalDocument( { roomId: "your-room-id", client: liveblocks }, (doc) => { // Modify your Lexical `doc` // ... });

Returning data

Get your editor’s text content by returning doc.getTextContent inside the callback.

const textContent = await withLexicalDocument(  { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks },  (doc) => doc.getTextContent());
// "My content"console.log(TextContent);

Custom nodes

If your Lexical document has custom nodes, they must be passed into the withLexicalDocument, similarly to with a front end Lexical client.

import { CodeNode } from "@lexical/code";
await withLexicalDocument( { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks, nodes: [CodeNode] }, (doc) => { // Modify your Lexical `doc` // ... });

Lexical document API

You can easily modify your document with the Lexical document API.


Liveblocks provides doc.update which is a callback function similar to Lexical’s editor.update. This makes it easy to use Lexical’s editor functions. Any edits will be persisted and appear in realtime to connected users as soon as the update promise resolves. Unlike Lexical’s editor.update, this change is always discrete.

await withLexicalDocument(  { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks },  async (doc) => {    await doc.update(() => {      // Make your modifications      // ...    });  });

Here’s an example of some modifications to a Lexical document.

import { $getRoot } from "lexical";import { $createParagraphNode, $createTextNode } from "lexical/nodes";
await withLexicalDocument( { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks }, async (doc) => { await doc.update(() => { // Adding a paragraph node with contained text node const root = $getRoot(); const paragraphNode = $createParagraphNode(); const textNode = $createTextNode("Hello world"); paragraphNode.append(textNode); root.append(paragraphNode); }); });

The callback can also be an async function.


Returns the text content from the root node as a string.

const textContent = await withLexicalDocument(  { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks },  (doc) => doc.getTextContent());


Returns Lexical’s editorState.

const editorState = await withLexicalDocument(  { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks },  (doc) => doc.getEditorState());


Returns a headless Lexical editor. @lexical/headless.

const headlessEditor = await withLexicalDocument(  { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks },  (doc) => doc.getLexicalEditor());


Returns a serialized JSON object representation of your document. See Lexical’s Serialization & Deserialization page for more information.

const docAsJSON = await withLexicalDocument(  { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks },  (doc) => doc.toJson());


Returns a markdown string of your document. See Lexical’s @lexical/markdown page for more information.

const markdown = await withLexicalDocument(  { roomId: "my-room-id", client: liveblocks },  (doc) => doc.toMarkdown());

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