PlatformSchema validation

Why schema validation?

Schema validation is essential for future-proofing your application and ensuring that implementing new features or data structures into your app will keep the integration you have established with Liveblocks.

We currently mitigate the risk of introducing client-side errors by allowing you to type your storage in liveblocks.config.ts. Still, we want to go one step further to help you protect your application by attaching a schema to a room that rejects invalid modifications.

By using schema validation, you will be able to:

  • Trust any incoming storage modifications
  • Paired with webhooks, strengthen your database synchronization
  • Write migration scripts for your room storage more easily

How schema validation works

The primary purpose of schema validation is to prevent corrupted data from being loaded from the server. To add schema validation to your application, take the following steps:

  1. Define the shape of your storage with a schema definition (similar to how you would describe the storage type in TypeScript)
  2. Attach your schema to a room

By default, a room storage accepts any modifications coming from the client. But once you attach a schema to a room, Liveblocks will reject any modifications to the storage that do not match the schema you provided. Situations like this should only happen in development mode, and the developer is responsible for fixing them.

Schema actions

You can interact with the schemas you create through the dashboard or by calling the REST API. In this guide, we will cover the following operations:

You can also use the REST API to list schemas, get a schema, and update a schema.

Creating a schema

Creating a schema via the dashboard is straightforward. Simply navigate to the “Schemas” page in the project you want to add the schema, and click on the “Create schema” button. Provide a name and a definition that describes the shape of the data you want to store in your rooms.

Another way to create a schema is via the create schema API. A schema body is a multi-line string using the Liveblocks schema syntax. In the dashboard, a sample schema could be represented as:

type Storage {  todos: LiveList<LiveObject<Todo>>}
type Todo { text: string checked?: boolean}

To create a schema, provide the name and body in the JSON payload. Example:

fetch("", {  method: "POST",  headers: {    "Content-Type": "application/json",  },  body: JSON.stringify({    name: "todo-list",    body: `      type Storage {        todos: LiveList<LiveObject<Todo>>      }
type Todo { text: string checked?: boolean } `, }),});

Note that in this example, the outermost body field is the body of the HTTP request (required by the fetch API), whereas the innermost body field is consumed by our API to read the schema text.

Deleting a schema

In the dashboard, you can delete a schema by navigating to the schema in question and clicking on the trash icon next to the schema version you want to delete. If you have attached a schema to a room, you will need to detach the schema from the room before you can delete it. If this schema is frozen, the trash icon will be greyed out.

If your schema is in a detached state, you can also delete it by using the delete schema API.

fetch("{id}", {  method: "DELETE",});

Attaching a schema to a room

You can attach a schema to a room via the dashboard by navigating to the room in question and clicking on the “Attach schema” button.

Alternatively, you can use the attach schema API. For example:

fetch("{roomId}/schema", {  method: "POST",  headers: {    "Content-Type": "application/json",  },  body: JSON.stringify({    schema: "todo-list@1",  }),});

Detaching a schema from a room

You can use the dashboard to remove a schema from a room by navigating to the room in question and clicking on the dropdown menu which displays the currently attached schema. From there, you can click on the “Detach schema” button.

To detach a schema from a room using the detach schema API, use the following code:

fetch("{roomId}/schema", {  method: "DELETE",});

The validation process in practice

If you would like to work through an example, you can follow along by using the Collaborative To-Do List.

Let’s create a new schema called todo-list in your dashboard, with the following definition:

type Storage {  todos: LiveList<LiveObject<Todo>>}
type Todo { text: string checked?: boolean}

Schemas are automatically versioned to facilitate migrations. By saving the new schema, we have created the first version, named todo-list@1.

To attach the schema we just created to a room, you can:

  • Navigate to the "next-js-todo-list-v2" room and click on "Attach Schema", as shown in the video above
  • Call the following endpoint:
POST{  "schema": "todo-list@1"}

To demonstrate the importance of schema validation and how unsafe operations will now fail, we will change the checked field in our schema as required, which means that new items added to the list will have to be checked by default.

The new schema definition will look like this:

type Storage {  todos: LiveList<LiveObject<Todo>>}
type Todo { text: string checked: boolean}

After updating the schema, and attaching the new version to our room, we can now run our app locally by calling npm run dev and adding a new item to the list. The new item will cause the following error to be thrown:

Error: Storage mutations rejected by server: Missing required property 'checked' on type 'LiveList<LiveObject<Todo>>'.

Other examples where schema validation would catch the error include:

  • Attempting to update the value of the checked variable to a number, as it is defined as a boolean in the schema
  • Attempting to delete the checked variable: it was not defined as optional in the schema

How to handle validation errors

When a schema validation error occurs, the LiveBlocks server will reject the operation

When an instance like this occurs, it’s indicative of a bug in your app. In production, an error like this should never occur. This is because you should address validation errors in the same way you address TypeScript errors. You don't ship to production when your app has TypeScript errors, and neither do you ship to prod when there are schema validation errors. Validation errors are the responsibility of the developer to resolve.

What’s to come

Our roadmap includes the ability to generate TypeScript types from the schema and tools to help you migrate your data from one schema version to the next. If you have any feedback or questions regarding schema validation, come talk to us on this GitHub discussion.

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