
Week 10

Week 10



  • Implement a proxy factory for UserNotificationSettings object to return null to prevent any errors when accessing a disabled notification channel.


  • Implement a proxy factory for UserNotificationSettings object to return null to prevent any errors when accessing a disabled notification channel.


  • Add optional useRoom({ allowOutsideRoom: true }) option. When this option is set, the hook will return null when used outside of a room, whereas the default behavior of the hook is be to throw.
  • Implement a proxy factory for UserNotificationSettings object to return null to prevent any errors when accessing a disabled notification channel.


  • Improve mentions behavior around whitespace, fixing a regression introduced in v2.18.3 when we added support for whitespace within mentions.
  • Prevent mention suggestions from scrolling instead of flipping when there’s enough space on the other side (e.g. moving from top to bottom).
  • Improve event propagation in the formatting toolbar of Composer.



  • Output ES modules by default (but CJS builds are still included)
  • Modernize internal build tool settings


  • Allow passing optional AbortSignal to all client methods
  • Fix bug in encoding of error information in the LiveblocksError when an API call fails (thanks for reporting, @robcresswell!)
  • Fix getStorageDocument("my-room", "json") typing in its output LiveMap instances as ReadonlyMap instead of serialized plain objects.


  • New guide: How to create a notification settings panel.
  • Improved Notifications overview pages, adding info on user notification settings.
  • Improved existing webhooks guides, adding more context about notification channels, and how to create a settings panel.
  • More info about how Text Editor permanently stores documents, and how it's different to Yjs.




  • Ship all Liveblocks packages as ESM by default (but CJS builds are still included)
  • Modernized internal build tool settings


Contributors include:ctnicholasnviemarcbouchenoirenimeshnayajusugardariusstevenfabrepierrelevaillant

7 authors

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