Embed collaborative experiences into your React app

Liveblocks empowers developers to embed performant collaborative features to any product in just days.

Companies of all sizes and industries use Liveblocks

Storage -
Sync engine for creative tools

Liveblocks Storage is a realtime sync engine designed for multiplayer creative tools such as Figma, Pitch, and Spline.

import { LiveObject } from "@liveblocks/client";  import { useStorage, useMutation } from "./liveblocks.config";    // Pass these to RoomProvider  const initialStorage = {    scientist: new LiveObject({      firstName: "Ada",      lastName: "Lovelace",    }),  };    export default function Form() {    const scientist = useStorage(root => root.scientist);      const update = useMutation(({ storage }, field, value) => {      storage.get('scientist').set(field, value);    }, []);      return (      <>        <input          value={scientist.firstName}          onChange={(e) => { update("firstName", e.target.value) }        />        <input          value={scientist.lastName}          onChange={(e) => { update("lastName", e.target.value) }        />      </>    );  }

Yjs -
Sync engine for text editors

Liveblocks Yjs is a realtime sync engine designed for collaborative text editors such as Notion and Google Docs.

import * as Y from "yjs";  import { createClient } from "@liveblocks/client";  import LiveblocksProvider from "@liveblocks/yjs";    const client = createClient({    publicApiKey: "pk_prod_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",  });    const { room, leave } = client.enterRoom("your-room-id", {    initialPresence: {},  });    // Create Yjs document and provider  const yDoc = new Y.Doc();  const yProvider = new LiveblocksProvider(room, yDoc);

Add collaboration to your product today

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