How to create a notification settings panel

Notifications allows you to add in-app notifications to your product. However, it also allows you to send unread notifications via other channels, such as email, Slack, Microsoft Teams—an effective way to link back to your app and keep users engaged.

Additionally, Liveblocks allows your end users to individually choose which notifications they should receive, and on which channel. This guide shows you how to create a notification preferences panel, which enables this.

Notification settings

Set up webhooks first

Before starting, it’s important that you’ve already set up a notification channel in our dashboard, and set up a webhook endpoint. Here are two guides that take you through how to do this:

Enabling a notification channel

If you’ve followed one of the previous guides, you should already have enabled a notification kind for a certain channel in the Notifications dashboard (this is different to setting up a webhook), however if you already have a production project, make sure of what to check before enabling a notification kind before continuing, as you may change the behavior of your app.

Notifications dashboard page

Each notification channel has a unique identifier, such as email or slack, but they all function in the same way. These distinct names allow developers to customize notifications for different platforms.

Building the interface

Now that the back end’s set up, you can use Liveblocks hooks to build the interface. Each user in your app can set their own preferences for notifications, and after enabling a notification kind, each user’s will be set to the default value in the Notifications dashboard.

With useNotificationSettings you can see the default value in your app. For example, the value if thread notifications on the email channel are enabled:

import { useNotificationSettings } from "@liveblocks/react";
function NotificationSettings() { const [{ isLoading, error, settings }, updateSettings] = useNotificationSettings();
if (isLoading || error) { return null; }
// { email: { thread: true } } console.log(settings);}

You can also use this function to toggle values—this will disable corresponding webhook events for the current user, meaning they no longer receive notifications of that type, on that channel. All other webhook events are sent as normal, only the current user is affected. Here’s how to create a checkbox that toggles the current user’s email/thread setting, disabling the corresponding webhook.

import { useNotificationSettings } from "@liveblocks/react";
function NotificationSettings() { const [{ isLoading, error, settings }, updateSettings] = useNotificationSettings();
if (isLoading || error) { return null; }
return ( <> <label> Receive thread notifications by email <input type="checkbox" checked={} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ email: { thread: } }) } /> </label> </> );}

Custom notification kinds

You can also use custom notification kinds as highlighted below, where we’re using a custom $documentInvite kind.

import { useNotificationSettings } from "@liveblocks/react";
function NotificationSettings() { const [{ isLoading, error, settings }, updateSettings] = useNotificationSettings();
if (isLoading || error) { return null; }
return ( <> <label> Receive document invites notifications by email <input type="checkbox" checked={$documentInvite} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ email: { $documentInvite: } }) } /> </label> <label> Receive thread notifications by email <input type="checkbox" checked={} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ email: { thread: } }) } /> </label> </> );}

Note that you can type your app to receive hints for custom notifications.

declare global {  interface Liveblocks {    // Custom activities data for custom notification kinds    ActivitiesData: {      $documentInvite: {        documentId: string; // Example      };    };
// ... }}

Extend it further

If you extend this further, you can create a whole notifications settings panel, with settings for each notification kind on channel. Below we’ve created an interface with three kinds of two channels.

import { useNotificationSettings } from "@liveblocks/react";
function NotificationSettings() { const [{ isLoading, error, settings }, updateSettings] = useNotificationSettings();
if (isLoading || error) { return null; }
return ( <> <label> Receive document invites notifications by email <input type="checkbox" checked={$documentInvite} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ email: { $documentInvite: } }) } /> </label> <label> Receive thread notifications by email <input type="checkbox" checked={} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ email: { thread: } }) } /> </label> <label> Receive text mentions notifications by email <input type="checkbox" checked={} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ email: { textMention: } }) } /> </label> <label> Receive document invites notifications on Slack <input type="checkbox" checked={settings.slack.$documentInvite} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ slack: { $documentInvite: } }) } /> </label> <label> Receive thread notifications on Slack <input type="checkbox" checked={settings.slack.thread} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ slack: { thread: } }) } /> </label> <label> Receive text mentions notifications on Slack <input type="checkbox" checked={settings.slack.textMention} onChange={(e) => updateSettings({ slack: { textMention: } }) } /> </label> </> );}

You now have a notification settings interface that allows each user to choose their own settings! This works by toggling webhooks on specific channels and kinds.

Other methods

Should you need to access and modify user notification settings outside of React, we also provide JavaScript functions, Node.js methods, and REST API endpoints.

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