API ReferenceAPI v1 Endpoints

Manage a room and its storage using the Liveblocks REST API endpoints. They’ll help you manage your data and extend Liveblocks’ functionality. You’ll find the API base URL below.



To use the API, you need to add a JWT token to the request’s authorization header:

$curl https://liveblocks.net/api/v1/* \  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN"

You can get a JWT token by calling our authorization endpoint, using your secret key (accessible from the dashboard). The token will be valid for one hour.

$curl https://liveblocks.io/api/authorize \  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"

Example response

{ "token": "YOUR_JWT_TOKEN" }

Get room storage

Get the room storage data as a JSON using the endpoint below.


Some implementation details

  • Each Liveblocks data structure is represented by a JSON element having two properties:
  • The root is always a LiveObject.

Example response

{  "liveblocksType": "LiveObject",  "data": {    "aLiveObject": {      "liveblocksType": "LiveObject",      "data": {        "a": 1      }    },    "aLiveList": {      "liveblocksType": "LiveList",      "data": ["a", "b"]    },    "aLiveMap": {      "liveblocksType": "LiveMap",      "data": {        "a": 1,        "b": 2      }    }  }}

Initialize room storage

Initialize a room storage using the following endpoint. The storage of the room you’re initializing must be empty. The new storage data can be passed as a JSON in the request body.


Some implementation details

  • The format of the request body is the same as what's returned by the get storage endpoint.

  • For each Liveblocks data structure that you want to create, you need a JSON element having two properties:

  • The root's type can only be LiveObject.

Example request body

{  "liveblocksType": "LiveObject",  "data": {    "aLiveObject": {      "liveblocksType": "LiveObject",      "data": {        "a": 1      }    },    "aLiveList": {      "liveblocksType": "LiveList",      "data": ["a", "b"]    },    "aLiveMap": {      "liveblocksType": "LiveMap",      "data": {        "a": 1,        "b": 2      }    }  }}

Delete room storage

Delete all elements of the room storage using the following endpoint.


Get room users

Get the current list of users connected to a room.


Some implementation details

  • User's custom properties id and info can be set during the authentication to the room, see authorize.

Example response

{  "data": [    {      "type": "user",      "connectionId": 0,      "id": "customUserId",      "info": {}    }  ]}

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