Getting Tiptap state on the server

Using @liveblocks/node-prosemirror, it’s possible to retrieve the state of your Tiptap document on the server. Tiptap is not easy to edit on the server directly, which is why it’s necessary to use the ProseMirror package. Tiptap is an extension of ProseMirror.

Getting document state

To get your document state, you can use withProsemirrorDocument and api.getText.

import { Liveblocks } from "@liveblocks/node";import { withProsemirrorDocument } from "@liveblocks/node-prosemirror";
const liveblocks = new Liveblocks({ secret: "",});
const textContent = await withProsemirrorDocument( { roomId: "your-room-id", client: liveblocks }, async (api) => { return api.getText(); });
// "My content"console.log(textContent);

Modifying document state

To modify document state with transactions, use api.update. On the ProseMirror website you can find a full list of transforms and transactions functions.

import { Liveblocks } from "@liveblocks/node";import { withProsemirrorDocument } from "@liveblocks/node-prosemirror";
const liveblocks = new Liveblocks({ secret: "",});
await withProsemirrorDocument( { roomId: "your-room-id", client: liveblocks }, async (api) => { await api.update((_, tr) => { // Transaction example return tr.insertText("Hello world"); }); });

You’ve now learned to fetch and modify document state!

Using Yjs APIs instead

We don’t generally recommend it, but it’s also possible to use @liveblocks/node to retrieve the state of your Tiptap document, and its Y.Doc, on the server. This may give you more control in some cases.

With Liveblocks.getYjsDocumentAsBinaryUpdate you can fetch your Yjs data, and place it inside a Y.Doc. Because Tiptap is a wrapper around ProseMirror, we can then call yDocToProseMirror from y-prosemirror to retrieve the Tiptap editor’s state.

import * as Y from "yjs";import { Liveblocks } from "@liveblocks/node";import { yDocToProsemirrorJSON } from "y-prosemirror";
const liveblocks = new Liveblocks({ secret: "",});
export async function POST() { // Get your Yjs data as a binary update const update = await liveblocks.getYjsDocumentAsBinaryUpdate("my-room-name");
// Create a Yjs document const yDoc = new Y.Doc();
// Apply the binary update to `yDoc` Y.applyUpdate(yDoc, new Uint8Array(update));
// Get Tiptap state from the Yjs property it uses, "default" const tiptapState = yDocToProsemirrorJSON(yDoc, "default");
// { type: "doc", content: [{ type: "paragraph", content: [...] }] } console.log(tiptapState);}

If you’d like to edit your Y.Doc, make sure to read how to use your Y.Doc on the server.

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