AuthenticationSet up access token permissions with Firebase

Follow the following steps to start configure your authentication endpoint and start building your own security logic.


  1. Install the liveblocks/node package

    Let’s first install the @liveblocks/node package in your Firebase functions project.

    $npm install @liveblocks/node
  2. Set up authentication endpoint

    Users need permission to interact with rooms, and you can permit access by creating a new Firebase callable function as shown below. In here you can implement your security and define the rooms that your user can enter.

    With access tokens, you should always use a naming pattern for your room IDs, as this enables you to easily allow access to a range of rooms at once. In the code snippet below, we’re using a naming pattern and wildcard * to give the user access to every room in their organization, and every room in their group.

    const functions = require("firebase-functions");const { Liveblocks } = require("@liveblocks/node");
    const liveblocks = new Liveblocks({ secret: "",});
    exports.auth = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => { // Get the current user from your database const user = (data);
    // Start an auth session inside your endpoint const session = liveblocks.prepareSession(, { userInfo: user.metadata }, // Optional );
    // Use a naming pattern to allow access to rooms with wildcards // Giving the user read access on their org, and write access on their group session.allow(`${user.organization}:*`, session.READ_ACCESS); session.allow(`${user.organization}:${}:*`, session.FULL_ACCESS);
    // Authorize the user and return the result const { status, body } = await session.authorize(); return JSON.parse(body);});

    Read access token permission to learn more about naming rooms and granting permissions with wildcards. Note that if a naming pattern doesn’t work for every room in your application, you can grant access to individual rooms too.

  3. Set up the client

    On the front end, you can now replace the publicApiKey option with authEndpoint pointing to the endpoint you just created.

    import { createClient } from "@liveblocks/client";import firebase from "firebase";import "firebase/functions";
    firebase.initializeApp({ /* Firebase config */});
    const auth = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("liveblocks-auth");
    // Create a Liveblocks clientconst client = createClient({ authEndpoint: async (room) => (await auth({ room })).data,});

More information

Both userId and userInfo can then be used in your JavaScript application as such:

const self = room.getSelf(); // or useSelf() in Reactconsole.log(;console.log(;
Auth diagram

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