Product updates

What’s new in Liveblocks: September edition

We’ve released a number of new product-inspired templates, built some interesting projects in our company hackathon, and made many small bug fixes.

What’s new in Liveblocks: September edition

This September we released new high-quality templates and ran a hackathon.

Next.js Template Week

Next.js Template Week took place last month, a three-day virtual event showcasing Next.js templates inspired by world‑class collaborative products.

The three open-source templates we revealed are:

Recap blog post

We’ve written a blog post that dives into each new template, make sure to read it to learn more.

Next.js Template Week Recap

Company hackathon

In late September we ran a two-day company hackathon, working on plenty of interesting ideas. We had two different winners, both using Storage in their projects. The first allows you to make custom changes through AI prompts, and the second is a 3D interior design example.

Other demos showcased include a Raycast extension, an OpenAPI generator, a real-time chess demo, a sales value proposition, and plans on improving our data visualization. Look out for these in future, as some may make into the public eye!

Bug fixes and refactoring

September was a top month for bug squashing and refactoring, with various problems fixed and improved across our packages and dashboard. Make sure to read our Changelog to learn about everything we’ve changed, no matter how minor.


To get all the fixes, update your packages with the following command.

$npx create-liveblocks-app@latest --upgrade

If you were previously on Liveblocks 2.7 or below, make sure to follow our upgrade guides before updating.


Contributors include:ctnicholasnvieflowflorentjrownymarcbouchenoiresugardariusnimeshnayajuofoucherot

8 authors

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