How to add users to Liveblocks Notifications

After following the get started guide for Notifications, and sending notifications with Comments or Text editor, you’ll notice that each user is currently “Anonymous”, and that there’s no way to mention or tag other users. To enable these features, we need to tell Notifications where to find your users’ information.


What we’re learning

In this guide we’ll be modifying LiveblocksProvider, learning how to:

Authenticate your application

The first step is to find an authentication guide for your framework and authenticate your app, as this is necessary for Notifications.

Make sure to follow the metadata step in the guide, and attach the name of your user, along with the URL of their avatar, as these properties will both be used in the default components. Here’s an example using access token authentication, with an email address as a user’s ID.

Metadata in access tokens
const session = liveblocks.prepareSession("", {  userInfo: {    name: "Marc",    avatar: "",
// Your custom metadata // ... },});

If you’re using ID token authentication, it’ll look a little different.

Don’t forget to modify your UserMeta type in liveblocks.config.ts to match the metadata format, adding type hints to your editor.

declare global {  interface Liveblocks {    UserMeta: {      id: string;
info: { name: string; avatar: string;
// Your custom metadata // ... }; }; }}

Resolving users

To show each user’s name and avatar in threads and comments, we need to use resolveUsers.

  1. Add the function to your LiveblocksProvider

    The resolveUsers function is passed as an option to LiveblocksProvider—let’s add it. This function provides you with userIds, an array of user IDs that have interacted with Notifications. These userIds match the IDs set when authenticating users in your app.

    <LiveblocksProvider  resolveUsers={async ({ userIds }) => {    // ["", ...]    console.log(userIds);
    // Return a list of users // ... }}
    // .../>;
  2. Return your users

    resolveUsers requires you to return a list of users in the UserMeta["info"] format we set earlier. Remember that name and avatar are required for the default components, but you can also use any other metadata in your app.

    <LiveblocksProvider  resolveUsers={async ({ userIds }) => {    // ["", ...]    console.log(userIds);
    // Return a list of users return [ { name: "Marc", avatar: "",
    // Your custom metadata // ... }, // ... ]; }}
    // .../>;

    We’re only returning one user here, but make sure to return an array containing each user, in the same order you received the IDs.

  3. Real-world example

    In your real application you’ll probably be getting users from your API endpoint and database via fetch. This is how we’d recommend building out this function.

    <LiveblocksProvider  resolveUsers={async ({ userIds }) => {    // Get users from your back end    const users = await (userIds);
    // Return a list of users return users; }}
    // .../>;
  4. Users are now visible

    After adding this, you should now be able to see your users in notifications!


Next steps

You’re now ready to start building your Notifications application! Here’s where you can learn more:

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