Live Avatar Stack

This example shows how to build a live avatar stack with Liveblocks and Vue

Image of Live Avatar Stack
Live preview

Open the example above and share it on multiple windows or devices to try it live.

Getting started

Run the following command to try this example locally:

$npx create-liveblocks-app@latest --example vuejs-live-avatars --api-key

This will download the example and ask permission to open your browser, enabling you to automatically get your API key from your account.

Manual setup

Alternatively, you can set up your project manually:

  • Install all dependencies with npm install
  • Create an account on
  • Copy your public key from the dashboard
  • Create an .env.local file and add your public key as the VITE_LIVEBLOCKS_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable
  • Run npm run dev and go to http://localhost:5173

Deploy on Vercel

To both deploy on Vercel, and run the example locally, use the following command:

$npx create-liveblocks-app@latest --example vuejs-live-avatars --vercel

This will download the example and ask permission to open your browser, enabling you to deploy to Vercel.

Develop on CodeSandbox

After forking this example on CodeSandbox, create the VITE_LIVEBLOCKS_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable as a secret.

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